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Selected Works

Selected work #4

"Wild Mind"


Master Artist: Vincent van Gough


Current Artist: Lindy Martin

Dimensions: 9 X 9 in

Materials: 2H Pencil, pastel pencils, oil pastels, white acrylic paint.


  • I always kind of thought van Gough's Starry Night looked like flowing hair.

  • I wanted to portray the unleashed, wild imagination and how disturbing, beautiful,and overwhelming it can be.

  • Sometimes, I will be ruminating, and come across something that is impossible to express, and that can be terrifying.

  • Comparing the mind to space. Mysterious, mostly unknown, and overwhelming when comprehended.

  • More grey tones closer to the figure, then more colorful the farther the imagination expands.


I wanted to incorporate more of van Gough's "flowing hair" style into the actual hair turning into ever enlarging space. Also, I wanted to fill up as much of the paper as possible. I sketched out the shapes, then put down the base colors with pastel pencils (quite a messy business, I find). Then, I added in more streaks of different colors and did the "galaxies" with oil pastels. I couldn't get the little stars as bright as I wanted them, so I touched them up with white acrylic paint.

 Relation to Inquiry

Fear of the unknown; the wild imagination and how it can be equally beautiful and disturbing.

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